AISD Liberal Teachers and their Students
Here's a NYPost article about the teachers who are using their positions to shape the political opinions of their students. Although it would be easy to say that this is an isolated incident. I refer you back to an article I wrote on Feb 11, 2005 regarding the same type of thing here in Austin, TX.
Additionally, on Feb 18, I was in Austin's LBJ High School. Under the guise of Black History Month, all seniors were required(?) to attend a talk by Texas Senator Barrientos. Though about 70% of his message dealt with a "stay away from drugs, stay in school" message, his talk was littered with comments such as "right-wing nutjobs" and how "whites" needed to recognize that within the next five years, blacks and hispanics would make up over 50% of the TX population.
During the course of my duties, I encountered two boys in the classroom who were doing a history assignment on the computer. One of the questions centered around why the US won the Revolutionary War? The correct answer (according to the computer) was that the French provided loans and troops. Though this seems somewhat subjective, here is a fairly concise history of French involvement in the revolutionary war (centering on Lafayette rather than Rochambeau) that I found interesting. Since it sounded a bit like revisionist history to me, I asked what they knew about Iraq and their fight for freedom?
It was as if I had opened a door and unleashed every liberal idea that has ever been thought of. I heard comments like, "I don't see how Bush can send people to war when he was hiding out in the National Guard". "I don't think we should go around the world killing people". "Under Saddam the people might be imprisoned for speaking their mind, but now they are shot for going outside their homes."
Truthfully, I was floored!(again) You know, I really don't mind it if these kids make up their own mind after getting ALL the facts, but it really rankles me when they either don't explore all the facts, aren't exposed to all the facts, or have liberal facts shoved down their throats.
I'm betting that no Senator besides Barrientos is invited into Austin Schools. Since this is the second school in Austin, and the second incidence of deep liberal bias, I'm betting that the whole school District (AISD) is tainted.